There were two five-game matches today, and here are the results:

Enemy vs. Team SoloMid

3-1, favor of Enemy

These two teams were fairly evenly matched. SoloMid dominated early in Game 1, but Enemy quickly turned the tides with a critical Gold Fury kill that gave them a gold and EXP advantage. They used this boost to gain the lead on objectives. A full team fight near SoloMid’s base knocked out four of their players, leaving their base wide open for Enemy to take the win. 

Enemy stayed strong and took the victory in Game 2, working so closely together that the announcers compared their synergy to the “old Team SoloMid”. Ouch. 

SoloMid didn’t take kindly to a second loss, and came back strong right out of the gate in Game 3. They took an early lead, then held it throughout the game, eventually pulling out a win. 

It wasn’t quite enough, however, as Enemy roared back with a vengeance and took Game 4 by storm – nailing the first NA Quarter Final win.

Team Enemy will continue to the semi-final round, where they’ll be facing Team EnvyUS. SoloMid will take on Cognitive Gaming (the loser of the second Quarter Final game) to decide who will win the first place prize. 

Cognitive vs. Cloud9

3-0 shutout, favor of Cloud9

These two teams met last year in the final round of the SMITE World Championships. In that showdown, Cognitive took the World Champ title from Cloud9. But the Quarter Final match between these two rivals proved that Cloud9 wasn’t ready to suffer defeat again. 

The first Quarter Final game started much later than it was intended to, as Hi-Rez struggled with some technical difficulties:

Cloud9 took Game 1 in a relatively unremarkable match. It was clear from this first game that C9 has done some serious practicing – we’ve never seen them look this good. 

Game 2 was a back and forth battle, and the most interesting game of the set. At 40 minutes in, Cloud9 had racked up over 30 kills, while Cognitive’s kill count still sat in the teens. In spite of the incredible advantage for C9, Cognitive held on as long as they could, though they eventually lost the game. 

Cognitive tried their hardest not to let Cloud9 shut them out in Game 3, but their efforts were to no avail. Cloud9 was on a roll, and they weren’t going to stop. They took Game 3 and the second Quarter Final win. 

Cloud9 is moving on to face Team Eager in the Semi-Final round, while Cognitive will be battling with Team SoloMid for the 5th place title. 

What’s Next

Next up is the EU Quarter Final round, starting November 18th at 9 am EST. The first match will pit Titan and London Conspiracy against each other, and the second will match Paradigm and Team Dignitas. 

The next NA event happens on Thursday, November 19th, starting at 3:30 pm EST. 

To stream the Super Regionals event, you can check out the SMITE channel on Twitch. 

SMITE Super Regionals NA Quarter Finals results   SMITE - 72