Sofie Gråbøl Biography Sofie Grbl was born in Frederiksberg, Denmark on July 30, 1968. She is a Danish entertainer in terms of professional career. Her folks are Kaj Fladhede Grbl and Mette Koustrup.

She made her movie debut in the 1986 Danish movie Early Spring, coordinated by Astrid Henning-Jensen, playing the lead job in the film transformation of Tove Ditlevsen’s clever Barndommens gade when she was 17 years of age.

She has showed up on TV in Taxa and Nikolaj on Julie. Grbl separated from her significant other, movie chief Jacob Thuesen, in 2006, and has two youngsters with him: Bror, a child, and Gudrun, a girl.

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Profession Grbl is most popular in Denmark for her profound exhibitions, yet she rose to worldwide noticeable quality as the cool and far off lead character Inspector Sarah Lund in each of the three series of The Killing.

In the United Kingdom, it was communicated on BBC4 to extraordinary praise, winning a BAFTA grant and lifting Grbl to superstar status. She was determined to have disease in 2012, went through a medical procedure and chemotherapy, and is presently disappearing.

Sofie Grbl was born in Frederiksberg, Denmark on July 30, 1968. She is a Danish entertainer in terms of professional career. Her folks are Kaj Fladhede Grbl and Mette Koustrup. She has showed up in various movies, remembering her advanced job for the Danish film Early Spring in 1986. Grbl separated from her significant other, movie chief Jacob Thuesen, in 2006, and they have two youngsters. She was determined to have disease in 2012, went through a medical procedure and chemotherapy, and is currently disappearing.