Recently, the UK terms of service for the PS4 leaked and they featured a number of stipulations that scared gamers.

Sony may monitor and record PSN activity

So much for Microsoft being the big brother here, with the always watching Kinect. 

And that’s just the tip…

I placed the extra scary part in bold. Any information recorded by Sony wouldn’t just be for Sony, it would also be shared with “affiliated companies”. Fortunately for gamers, Sony said in a follow-up statement that…

What a relief. 

Sony has not sold you anything, just licensed. 

You don’t own anything you purchase, so this passage comes into play. 

Although this clause has been in effect since the PS3 days, Sony has not prevented the used games market, even though they have the legal grounds to do so.

A tweet from Shuhei Yoshida helped to assuage the fear that Sony would be nasty about it.

So fear not fellow gamers, it looks like nothing to worry about and is probably just something the company’s legal team put in to cover all their bases.