She is a young lady, who alongside her kin, was in the middle of a lawful question of her isolated guardians.

There was a case that developed after her dad blamed their mom for manhandling her youngsters.

Individuals trusted it, and surprisingly a Go Fund Me pledge drive page was framed for the legitimate charges that he needed to pay for the case.

Their guardianship of the kids was with their mom, yet Michael needed it a ton.

Thus, a mission was begun names #StandwithSophie, and her dad was upheld for this.

In the end, individuals discovered that Michael wasn’t right and was a terrible effect on his youngsters, according to the records.

Sophie Long is presently absent, and the police, just as other concerned specialists, has guaranteed that she is absolutely with her dad going towards Arizona, Colorado, Utah, Mexico, or Argentina.

After the case was excused in light of her dad’s records, Sophie and her kin’s care stayed with their mom.

All things considered, Sophie and her kin were some of the time permitted with her dad, which is a supposition, and that is the reason she is missing, and her dad turned into the superb suspect.

Undoubtedly, there are various sources that have asserted that her dad removed her and are perusing mindfulness in regards to the data.

Sophie Long’s age is 9 years of age. Be that as it may, her date of birth or birthday isn’t uncovered at this point.

Numerous articles and sources have given data with respect to her age, and we have separated it from those.

As referenced a few times, Michael Long is the dad of the #StandwithSophie lobby’s face, Sophie Long, while her mom is Kelly Long. Her mom and father, notwithstanding, are not together, and she lives with her mom under her guardianship.

As referenced, they had a legitimate debate in regards to their youngsters’ care, however the question was ultimately cleared.

Notwithstanding every one of the harmful charges, her mom, Kelly, won the case and got authority of her children.

Sophie Long and the mission #StandwithSophie were long-running on various social stages like Facebook and others.

While Sophie doesn’t have a record on the stage on account of being a minor, there are various different sources giving data with respect to her.