There are times when you will get dialogue choices to further distinguish your character. Some of these choices will also tip the scales of your soul to either good or evil. These choices affect the story, but also the weapons you equip later.

Let me start by going over the basics.

Libra of Souls Basics

Libra of Souls allows you to level up a created character by completing quests. There are main story quests and side quests. These quests involve fighting, but often with special conditions. 

Sometimes you may need to fight multiple opponents, certain attacks – such as verticals – could only be effective, slippery floors, and more can change how you will fight.

This offers you a chance to take advantage of the situation with the right knowledge, so be sure to read the conditions before each fight.

Leveling and Weapons

When your character levels, their max health will go up. That’s not all, you will also be able to equip stronger weapons as your level increases.

This is very important because no matter how good you may be with a certain fighter’s style, you may still lose if your weapon and level are too low.

Other than level, weapons can also have extra attributes such as crit chance, or health recovery when dealing damage.

When you unlock Bolta’s Smithy, you will be able to choose from a variety of upgrades to put into your weapons, as long as they have slots available.

Finally, you will eventually get weapons with either a blue or orange flame. This indicates which part of the scale they align with. If your soul is aligned with the weapon, you get extra bonuses when using it.

Food and Mercenaries

As you progress through the game, you will unlock the ability to use food and mercenaries before starting a battle.

Food gives extra benefits, such as health recovery, or extra critical damage. There are a wide variety of food buffs, so you can pick whichever best suits the battle you are trying to win.

Mercenaries are CPU fighters that will fight before you during a battle. They have levels and weapons just like you and can even be given food and weapons that match their style.

This gives you the edge because they can take out a lot of the opponent’s health, or even defeat some, before you even start fighting! If they lose, you can just continue fighting where they left off and the opponent will have the same amount of health as they did when your mercenary lost.

Traveling and Side Quests

As you go through the story, you will naturally travel the land. Each location allows you to explore the surroundings to complete a variety of side quests. These are great for leveling, getting more weapons and items, and fleshing out the overall story.

You can choose to fast travel back to any previous town or location you’ve already visited. This also allows you to explore the surrounding areas without the need to attempt long travel.

When you do travel, you have a chance to run into a random battle along the way. This can be good for extra experience and items, but your journey could be cut short if you lose any of these battles. If this happens, you will use up the gold required to reach your destination, but you will be put back to your original location.

Libra of Souls Tips

Pay attention to travel costs when exploring

There are many extra quests you can complete if you choose to explore the surrounding area during the game, but it costs gold to travel. If the location is far away, or if you have to cross hard terrain such as mountains, then the price to reach it will be very high.

You can combat this by choosing a base location closer to the quest you want to complete, or one with a better angle.

You can also travel to any of the dots on the map, then continue exploring from there to reach certain destinations without spending a ton of gold.

If you want a specific weapon type, use it during quests

The weapons/styles you get throughout the game are mostly random, but I’ve noticed you are highly likely to get one of the same type that you use during a quest.

For example, if you want a higher level Geralt weapon, you can greatly increase your chances of getting one if you complete a quest with that style. 

Try different weapons

You will inevitably get a weapon for a style you aren’t familiar with or enjoy playing. It is good to try new weapons because you might find that you like another character, or it may just be easier for a certain quest.

If you get a strong weapon for another fighter, it may still be worth using simply because it is much better than whatever you are currently using.

I always like playing as Tira or Zasalamel, but I tried out Geralt’s and Mitsurugi’s weapons and found that I really enjoyed playing as them as well.

Complete certain side quests to level up towns

There are side quests near towns, like those that involve the blacksmith, that will level up the town.

Leveling up a town grants new items at the shop, more mercenaries to choose from, and better weapon upgrades from the blacksmith. Each major town has their own town level so be sure to do the ones for the specific town you want to increase.

That’s all there is for my Libra of Souls guide in Soul Calibur 6. Hopefully, this knowledge will better prepare you for your own journey through the game and give you a better idea how you will want to go about things!